LG KS360 FREE network unlocking!
This works without uploading anything to the phone. Just follow the instructions carefully.
You will need 4 bits of software to perform the unlock - get them all now
Download the USB flash loader driver here go the the download USB driver section and find the KS360 United Kingdom Driver.
Download the Orange Firmware here (it doesn't matter if you are on Orange or not - it does not get uploaded to the phone, it is just required to make the following software work).
Download the Extract program here
Download the LG Utils zip file at the top of the list here
You will also need the USB cable which came with the phone - but don't plug it in yet.
You should also make sure you have saved all your phone numbers just in case - I have carried this out several times without any problems, but you can never be too careful.
Follow these instructions very carefully:
1. Install the USB flash loader software (contained in a folder in the first download above)
2. Switch off the phone and leave it off. Do not switch it on until you complete step 14.
3. Plug the USB cable in the computer and phone - wait for it to install all the drivers loaded at step 1
4. Unplug the phone and leave it switched off
5. Create a new folder on your computer (I suggest c:ks360)
6. Double click the Orange Firmware cab file downloaded earlier
7. Select all the files in the cab file. Copy and paste them in the folder c:ks360 - you will need to click save file a number of times.
8. Unzip and run the extract program downloaded earlier
o Type c:ks360Inf_WebDnld.dll and press enter
o Type c:ks360V10G.wdb and press enter
o Type V10G_04 and press enter
o Press enter (and wait a few moments)
9. In the folder c:ks360, some new files will have appeared. Rename KS360AT-XX-V10x-ORG-XXX-SEP-23-2008_slb.flb to KS360.flb
10. Extract all the files from the LG Utils zip file downloaded earlier
11. Run KS360-Utils-EN.exe and choose option N
o type \.USB1 and press enter
o Type c:ks360ks360.flb and press enter
o Type STATIC_EEP (get ready to connect the phone)
o Press enter then within 1-2 seconds, connect the phone (still switched off) (timing is critical!)
12. If successful, a new file called STATIC_EEP will appear in the folder where KS360-Utils-EN.exe was unzipped
13. Copy STATIC_EEP to the c:ks360 folder
14. Run KS360-Utils-EN.exe again and select option O and press enter
o Type c:ks360STATIC_EEP and press enter
o The unlock code appears - write it down and close the program.
o (If you get an error message, repeat steps 11-14 - the timing at step 11 is critical to this working)
Now you can unplug the phone and switch it back on
1. Enter the following number (as if you were dialing a phone number): 2945#*71001#
2. When prompted for a password, enter the number you wrote down in step 14, press OK, restart the phone......SUCCESS!! Your phone is now unlocked
3. If this has helped you, kindly consider a small donation (see below!) - Many thanks :-)
source: http://pb4kn.co.uk/ks360_unlocking.htm
Nice article. Unlock free for nokia article is very useful. I am using the nokia 7120 locked by airtel & i got the instructions from unlock guide and got code from ebay
Nice information about "LG KS360 unlock free".
I found the site http://www.mobileunlocksolutions.com/lg-ks360/rs1wp9/ for getting the unlocking service for LG KS360..
It provides the unlocking code and instructions for mobiles.
i hope my article can help more peopple
does this actually work coz ive followed every step to the letter n it jus isnt working the problem arises at step 8 when i typed in what it says and press enter the program jus dissapears, am i doing somthing wrong?
Don't know your DOS then - like all the others that I've seen just blindly copying and pasting this same article everywhere ...
You need to enter the pathname, which is C (or whatever drive), as in C:\ and not as the article says for some bizzare reason ...C:
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